Hitachi in Oceania

Social Innovation Business.

Responsible Productivity

Responsible Productivity

At Hitachi, we're focused on creating a more sustainable society by providing technology that increases productivity in new and responsible ways.

Technology solutions that not only meet the needs of the community, but help to improve society as a whole and inspire the next generation of thinking. Each advancement is one step closer to fulfilling our responsibility of building thriving communities.

Earthmoving Equipment

Earthmoving Equipment

Hitachi develops and manufactures a range of leading-edge earth moving equipment and attachments for numerous sites and tasks in the Mining & Construction, Quarry, Forestry and Recycling industries. We also provide comprehensive parts and servicing to support the life cycle of the machine. Hitachi continually seeks to reduce the burden on the environment through improvements in energy efficiency and better productivity.

Information Management Systems

Information Management Systems

Hitachi provides data analytics and information storage platforms that deliver value to both organisations and society. In the past, IT aimed to improve productivity through data processing that supported a particular purpose. Today, explosive growth in unstructured data such as email, images, video and machine driven data provides a different challenge. Our IT solutions are able to generate value from this "Big Data" whilst managing year on year data growth.

Electronic Systems & Equipment

Electronic Systems & Equipment

Hitachi are at the forefront of delivering innovative, high performance and unique solutions to meet individual requirements. We produce a wide range of electronics and appliances, ranging from professional grade tools and accessories for construction to interactive presentation solutions for businesses and educators.

Society Sustainable Exciting Rewarding

Creating a more sustainable
society by providing technology
that increases productivity responsibly.